Assignments for APES will be posted here! A link to the APES website with handouts, links, and other announcements, can be found on the main page of this blog.
January 9th
Welcome Back!
We will begin Unit 6 on Monday, January 9th. This is a short and intense unit so be prepared to "hit the ground running".
The Unit 6 study guide will be very helpful in your planning.
We will also begin the Apprentice Project. The project guidelines, peer, and judge evaluations can be found in the embedded links.
The labs for this unit are the soil salinization lab and the soil lab. You will need approximately 1 cup of soil per lab group for the soil lab. Please obtain this soil from your own yard at home and bring to class on the assigned day. Please do not bring your soil in early!
January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
The Winter Reading book reports are due at the beginning of class on Monday, January 9th.
Please bring your copy of the book if you wish to take the test on your book for extra credit.
The extra credit tests will be given ONLY during lunch on Monday, January 9th. There will be NO MAKE-UP tests!
November 28th
Research for the APES dabates will begin in class today.
APES final exam will be a Unit 5 Test on Monday, December 12th
The instructions for the APES debates were distributed last Monday and can be found here.
November 14th
The study guide for this unit was distributed in class last Thursday, but a copy can be found here and here.
Sign up for an invasive species in class today - reports are due Friday!
We are reading Jared Diamond's, Worst Mistake... in class today.
November 1st
- Ch 8 Lecture
Here is the link to the reading for Thursday.
Webquest on populations - see links on left
SGQs #1 Due
October 27th
Begin Unit 4. You can find the study guides here (.pdf) and here (.docx)
Video Notes- The People Bomb
Get your eco-columns up and running. You need to start collecting observations on Monday when you get your notebooks back.
October 25th
Unit 3 Test
October 13th
Chapter 4 Essay Test
Finish the "Strange Days" video noted and turn them in.
Saturday is AP Readiness at UCLA. We are sharing a bus with Chatsworth HS, so there will only be space for 11 of you to ride the bus this week. Please sign the bus list in class only if there is absolutely no chance of getting to UCLA on your own, and fewer than 11 people have already signed up. It is very important for you to try to form carpools to get there. The bus will be boarding in front of school at 7:45, Satuday morning.
A UCLA map for this week can be found here.
The alternative to attending is to write a 3 page essay in your own words on 2 of the AP Readiness topics available here.
I recommend that you attend (or write about) 2 of the following available classes: ozone, wind energy with dimensional analysis, or environmental geology. We will be covering the other topics through lab experiences in class.
October 11th
First 10 minutes - students who did the lab meet and correlate data. Students who did not do the lab need to work on the Eco-columns
Video notes- "Strange Days on Planet Earth"
October 10th
Species Diversity Lab - Please have the Pre-lab completed before class. We will walk to CSUN, collect data, and return to class.
This week's schedule will be adjusted as follows: Tuesday, "Strange Days", Thursday, Finish "Strange Days" and in class essay. We will have a lecture on Monday, with the Unit Test next Tuesday.
October 6th
- Finish tagging lab and work on eco-column construction.
October 3rd
Tagging Lab - Please complete the entire lab, copy and answer all of the questions completely, include complete and labeled graphs, and write in complete sentences. DO NOT glue in my handout. That is my work, not yours. Be certain to review and complete the grade sheet (provided in class) to turn in with your completed lab.
Species diversity lab - Complete pre-lab before Thursday, including the purpose, the procedure, materials, a data table, and anything else that you feel is necessary in your own handwriting. Be sure to answer the pre-lab questions by copying them into your lab notebook and using complete sentences to answer them completely. Be certain to review and complete the grade sheet (provided in class) to turn in with your completed lab.
September 30th
Today in class we completed the Sierra Food Web Activity.
Please read through and prepare the tagging activity before Monday.
Read through the Species Diversity Lab before next Thursday.
Complete all assigned homework as indicated on the study guide linked below.
The Study Guide for Unit 3 was passed out in class on Thursday, along with instructions for the Eco-column lab and the Sierra Nevada food web activity.
Today in class we did the "Oh Deer" activity and the report is due on Wednesday of this week.
Please check the Study Guide for daily homework and assignments due.
Students who did not attend AP Readiness at UCLA must turn in two 3-page double-spaced, 12 font, 1 inch margin research essays on 2 of the topics covered at the AP Readiness held last Satuday. AP Readiness topics for this week can be found here.
September 19th
UCLA AP Readiness signed trip slips and media release forms due tomorrow
ALL Vocabulary terms and SGQs Due Thursday
September 13th
Finish the composite biogeochemical cycle poster. (Remember to include the elements, molecules and other science stuff that differentiates your poster from the ones you did in 4th grade for the water cycle.)
SGQs are due Thursday!
- Study lecture notes
- 1st 8 Study Guide Questions are due at the beginning of class Thursday
- Dilution lab write-up is Due Thursday
- Online Owl Pellet Lab certificate is due Thursday
- Great resource for Ecology information
Finish the dilution lab in your lab book, including the questions and graphs.
Remember to check your Unit 2 study guide (link below) to keep up with other class assignments.
Click here for anther copy of the dilution lab sheet.
Here is a link to information about dilutions.
September 6th
Here is a link to the Unit 2 study guide!
September 1st
Finish Registering for AP Readiness at
Complete the Carbon Footprint activity at
Study for the Chapter 1 Test on Thursday
Complete the assigned questions from the textbook - Due Thursday!

August 15th
Welcome back!
Please get all forms signed and returned as soon as possible.
You will need to purchase a COLLEGE RULED composition book ASAP for labs and activities. You may not substitute wide-ruled composition books or spiral bound notebooks.
All work for AP Environmental Science class must be typed, written in dark blue or black ink, or in pencil, so please bring a pen or pencil and some paper to class on the first day.
Homework for each week will be posted on this blog. it is your responsibility to have a way to contact a classmate to get any assignments you may miss or need in the event that you are tardy or absent.
Do not count on this blog being updated to meet your responsibilities!Finally, and most importantly, your grade in this course will depend upon how well you learn the material. Work that is not yours, will receive a grade of "0".
Second Semester Starts!
Winter reading reports were due yesterday
Book check today
Follow study guide posted on website
APES Debates begin!
Environmental Protection Act was first up
ALL other debate topics will be heard on Thursday
December 6, 2010
Endangered species assignment due
Grade Endangered species projects in class
SGQ#3 due
Final preparation for formal debates
December 2, 2010
APES Debates Assignment
Review formal debate rules
Allegiance to facts and avoidance of opinion is CRITICAL
Topics and positions assigned
November 30, 2010
Work in class on SGQs and Vocabulary assignments
Don't forget to keep recording your EcoColumn observations!
November 29, 2010
Quandry in Ponder city council meeting
Q in P reflection essays due tomorrow
November 18, 2010
Invasive species presentations
Quandry in Ponder group assignments
Quandry in Ponder biographies due Monday after break
November 15, 2010
- Invasive species project due Thursday
- Bring Textbook Jared Diamond article (from class website) to class on November 16th
November 10, 2010
- Test on Unit 4
- Pick invasive species
- Download Study Guide for the rest of the semester from your course website (link on left)
November 4, 2010
- Finish Ecocolumn setup
- A look at the required reading
November 2, 2010
- PopEcoLab in class
- Bring 1 small terrestrial plant and 1 small aquatic plant per group for Thursday's class
- Remember to check the website and study guide for ongoing homework assignments
- PopEcoLab due next Wednesday - Typed, 12 font, 1" margins
November 1, 2010
- The biodiversity (car) lab is due tomorrow.
- Finish the population lab worksheets for doubling time & Population structure diagrams and turn in on Thursday, Nov. 4th.
- Begin the PopEcoLab in class tomorrow