Welcome Back!
- I am going to try something new with you guys that should help you with your planning for Physiology class. I have made a study guide for the Chapter 8 Nervous system unit to let you know when assignments will be due, what you need to focus on to do well, and let you know what you need to make up if you have to miss a class.
- You can preview the study guide by clicking on this hyperlink - Study Guide.
- I hope to be able to cut down on printing, so after the Ch. 8 Unit, I will be happy to print out each chapter's study guide for you upon request,
- Test on Chapter 7 this Friday, Dec. 2 as announced in class on Friday, Nov. 18th
- The Final Exam will cover Chapters 1 - 7. The study guide is the textbook website (linked on the left). Study the chapter quizes, animations, labelling activities and notes to prepare.
- Lecture on Chapter 6
- Sign up for November 19th trip to UCLA for DNA fingerprinting - Busses and lunch provided, Information form due WEDNESDAY, permission forms by next week
- Test on Friday
- Ch. 6 Lecture
- X-ray Case study
- HW - Complete concept check questions through page 153 for Friday.
- Remember to email a copy of your group's system information sheet to me at bts9228@lausd.net so I can print color copies for your presentations.
- Study for the test on the Skeletal System for next Friday, November 4th. It will NOT BE OPEN BOOK or OPEN NOTES like the last 2 tests. You will also need to be able to label diagrams. This test will be on your 15 week grades, so please start preparing now.
- Independent Study
- color plate
- Skeletal system color plates
- Group reading and notes, 1st 10 pages of chapter 6
- Skeletal system quiz
- Skeletal System Presentations
- Quiz on Integumentary Presentation
- Turn in Homework
- Work on Illustrated Vocabulary (word, definition, illustration)
- Integumentary System presentations
- Read the rest of Chapter 5 and answer questions 1-29 at the end of Chapter 5 - Due Tuesday
- Quiz on the integumentary system presentations on Tuesday.
- Quiz on Chapter 5 introduction
- Finalize group body systems presentations
- Return and review tests
- Preview Chapter 5
- Test on Chapter 4 - #2 Pencil
- Bring Books to class! You may not leave class to get your book.
- Finish Group projects (Due Monday!)
- Finish Ch. 4 Lecture
- study guide (notes!) for test on Friday
- Make up test should be taken today if you plan to be gone this Friday! No makeups after Friday as announced in class last week...
- Work on Group projects in class
- Project are due in room 420 on October 3rd
- Lecture on CH. 4 (1st half)
- Read pp 99-107, study for quiz
- Test on Chapter 4 on Friday, September 30th
September 16th
Read pp 90-99, take notes for quiz on Tuesday
September 14th
Turn in Concept map and lab write-up
Quiz on Cancer cells and intro to tissue types
determine dates & responsibilities, final due date Oct. 3rd, produce a game that teaches your topic and a 1 page "All About this Topic Review Sheet" as described in class. An example (You can create your own readable, artistic format!)can be found here. (see sample above)Term projects - group systems assignments:

September 9th
Turn in Workbook pages
Finish Lab write up, due Tuesday with concept map.
Finish workbook pages - Due Friday Sept. 9
Make a concept map of Chapter 2, Due Tuesday, Sept. 13th. You can draw it out by hand following the example given in class, or you can download and install free concept mapping software from here and clicking on the bubble that says "dowloaded" a the bottom of the page. You will
need to register but the software is free!
August 15th
Welcome back!
Please get all forms signed and returned as soon as possible.
You will need to purchase a COLLEGE RULED composition book ASAP for labs and activities. You may not substitute wide-ruled composition books or spiral bound notebooks.
All work for Physiology class must be written in dark blue or black ink, or in pencil, so please bring a pen or pencil and some paper to class on the first day.
Homework for each week will be posted on this blog. it is your responsibility to have a way to contact a classmate to get any assignments you may miss or need in the event that you are tardy or absent. Do not count on this blog to be updated in time for you to meet your responsibilities.
Finally, and most importantly, your grade in this course will depend upon how well you learn the material. Work that is not your work, will receive a grade of "0".

Second Semester Starts!
Book check today
- Study sheet for chapters 2-4
December 6, 2010
- Course review
- Plan for next semester
- Online Review - Chapter 5
December 2, 2010
- Color plates for integumentary system
- Take notes on color plates and turn in to sub
- Final exam will cover Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
- Bring all books to class on Monday
November 30, 2010
- complete illustrated vocabulary for integumentary system
November 29, 2010
- Complete study guide for Chapter 5
- take notes and answer questions on Biozone integument pages
November 19 , 2010
- Bone Lab - no write up
November 16, 2010
- Begin Chapter 5 - The integumentary System
- Cornell notes, test understanding as you read
- Begin study sheet for this chapter
- Final exam will cover chapters 1-5
November 15, 2010
Turn in chapter summary
Take chapter 4 test
Bring textbook to class November 16th
November 10, 2010
- One page review of chapter 4
- Take, grade, print & turn in 2 quizzes from the textbook website to review for the test. Specific instructions are on your course website (link on the left)
- Test on Monday, Nov. 15.
November 4, 2010
- Love in the Time of Cholera - a lab investigation of osmosis
- HW - complete lab write-up, bring both books to class on Monday
November 2, 2010
- Introduction to Chapter 4 - Lecture/Cornell notes
- Finish Questions and Connections
- Dress for Lab on Thursday
November 1, 2010
- Post to the blog
- Review membrane permeability, osmosis and diffusion for Thursday's lab